EBay means sales

Events and Training…

Advanced Negotiation Skills
At: Nottinghamshire Chamber Offices, Nottingham – Abbeyfield Road, Nottingham – 28/03/2006


This course encourages delegates to be more creative and therefore to present proposals more effectively. It also examines the needs and motivations that exist in negotiation both from one’s own point of view and that of the buyer.


This advanced negotiation skills training course is designed for experienced sales people. It is very practical and provides delegates with many scenarios for them to develop and practice their skills. It encourages delegates to be more creative and therefore to present proposals more effectively. It also examines the needs and motivations that exist in negotiation both from one’s own point of view and from that of the buyer.

Who should attend

Those who already have a grounding in negotiation tactics and professional negotiators in both the public and private sectors looking to develop their skills and build on their strengths.

For further information contact Business Training

Price: £205.63 (inc VAT) – Discounted price for members of Nottinghamshire Chamber

Price: £229.13 (inc VAT)- Non member price